After much deliberation, I've decided to upload a significant portion of my research in Ethiopia. It is the First Comprehensive Review of the Ancestry of clans claiming descent from the Prophet (or his clan of Hashim) in Ethiopia and Somalia. To respect the honor and privacy of the mentioned families, I have not included their heirlooms of manuscripts and family trees.
أول البحث الكامل في أنساب السادة الأشراف في إثيوبيا و الصومال. وكلهم ينتسبون إلى بني هاشم بل إلى آل أبي طالب Please post or email me with your revisions and comments.
By the mercy of Allah, a complete family tree of the Kawayni family, with the descendents of Hajji Ali was completed under the auspices of an Alawi genealogist in Sana'a, Yemen. He saw the old Qur'an with the clan's ancestry, immediately believed in its authenticity, and began working for many months on the tree. However, since then, he has hesitated in certifying the ancestry as authentic without the consent of the Ba'alawis in Tarim. And God knows best.